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unexpected stammerings [2016]
[Sound Installation/Amplification System]


"unexpected stammerings" is the plastic reverberation of "ezkil" (which means "bell" in euskara), a solo guitar piece for quarter-tone tuned guitar by Basque composer Ramon Lazkano.


The present work is an actual bell, with it's own particular sounds (The piece “Ezkil”) that emerge from the installation itself into the audience, being a live and dead object (we can interact with it as an interpreter being connected to the installation and play the piece using it as an amplification system, and also through a recording that can be in loop working with the installation.), the idea is to offer different situations and interactions with the work: presence/absence of the interpreter, fixed sound/oscillating sound (again here in this piece, plastic elements like protuberances emerge from the speakers that represent the “fixed sounds” (sons fixes)), live/dead object, virtual/physical sound.


The “stammerings”, unexpected ones, come from the mouvement originated by the woofer, reproducing a bell mouvement with the speakers inside the “bell”. Resonance objects (the wings of the “bell” and the small plastic resonance emerging from the structure beside the installation), work as a visual and acoustic object.

300 x 450 cm - brass sheets, wood sheet, mosquito net, speakers, amplifier + 3 microphones and a guitarist when “needed”.

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